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                The Annual petroleum and Petrochemical Safety Production Event

                China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition



                March 25-27,2024

                LOCATION:HOME> About Us > introduction
                150,000Professional Visitors
                18Countries and Regions
                General Information

                In petroleum, chemical, coal mine, metallurgy and many other industries, usually there are flammable and explosive dust dangerous places. In recent years, due to the lack of awareness and attention of dust explosion-proof, the explosion occurred frequently in some factories, which had a bad affect and caused huge casualties and economic losses. The explosion scene is extremely complex and uncertain, preventive measures, in particular, once exploded, may further extended accident into a catastrophe, has caused great attention of the relevant state departments. To further create a good atmosphere for the development of industrial explosion and protection, strengthen safety protection and ensure personal safety and health, we will set up a technical exchange platform for fire fighting equipment and labor protection products at home and abroad to promote the progress of fire safety technology in China; to improve the quality of safety supplies, prevent occupational hazards and reduce safety production accidents and ensure the safety and health of workers.

                cipse exhibit products cover most areas of fire safety equipment and occupational health: fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting facilities, occupational safety and health protection product, functional protective clothing and fabric, accessories and other products of raw materials, production safety testing and monitoring instrumentation and equipment, special safety equipment, fire emergency rescue equipment, earthquake emergency rescue equipment, flood control and emergency rescue equipment, mine emergency rescue equipment, emergency facilities, supplies, safe production technical services, etc.

                Beijing International petroleum and Petrochemical Safety Production Exhibition will be held on March 25-27,2024 in the New China International Exhibition Center,Beijing, concurrently with cippe2024, the annual petroleum & petrochemical equipment event. You are welcome to join us!

                Show Dates: March 25-27,2024
                New China International Exhibition Center,Beijing
                Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd
                China Petroleum and Petro-chemical Equipment Industry Association
                China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
                Organizers: Zhenwei Exhibition PLC
                Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co.,Ltd